Archived information on the Christian youth work among young people in the parish of Radipole and Melcome Regis in weymouth, Dorset, UK 2009-2016 No longer being updated
Monday, 23 December 2013
Good News TV!
What would Jeremy Paxman ask Joseph? Would Kirsty Wark catch the wise men out with her difficult questions? In preparation for Christmas, the young people from St John's Church looked at some of the bible passages about Jesus birth and thought about what they would ask the people who who were there seeing it all first hand. These questions were developed into the script for 'Good News TV': a retelling of the nativity story. The presentation included some video clips showing on-the-spot reports and some background images created by all the different age groups. In the presentation we heard from Joseph about his royal connections and his surprise at becoming dad to the King of Kings. Then we heard from Mary how strange it was that her little baby boy was also her Saviour. Some of the younger children showed us the enthusiasm of the shepherds and their excitement at getting to meet the Messiah. Another group showed us the how the wise men discovered a child who was more than a king and responded to him in worship. We also interviewed someone from today to see what relevance Jesus birth still has for us. Sometimes, as we tell the story of the nativity each year it somehow becomes more and more like a fairy story. We add tinsel and cuteness and inkeepers and donkeys in an effort to make sure everyone has a part but the danger is it can become less and less real to us. But what the young people got across in their 'Good News TV' presentation is that Jesus is good news for us today. He is still King and Saviour. He can be our Messiah and our Lord. Are we going to respond to him in worship this Christmas?
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Bible Cake
The decrees of the LORD... are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. Psalm 19:9,10
This bible-shaped cake reminded members of the youth homegroups that we need God's word to keep going as Christians, just as we need food to keep our bodies going. If we make time to read and digest God's word each day we'll find that it's not just 'good for us', like spinach or vitamins but actually 'good' like chocolate cake! God's word is not just holy and encouraging and challenging it's also delicious!
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Like me!
Like me!
I want people to like me! I want you to click that little
thumbs up to say that you have noticed my article, like what I’ve written,
admire my sentiment, maybe even agree with me. We all want to be liked,
admired, noticed and valued. Teenagers, probably even more that the rest of us,
struggle with this longing for love and recognition. Some post pictures of
themselves (the infamous ‘selfies’) online hoping for positive responses but
leaving themselves open to horrible comments and responses that can make them
feel unlovable and worthless.
‘We’re worth it’
‘Self esteem’ and ‘confidence’ have become buzz words in our
culture. If advertisers can persuade us that their products will give us
confidence or boost our self esteem then they are on to a winner. So we buy our
expensive hair gel, safe in the knowledge that ‘we’re worth it’ and we gaze
longingly at a friend’s iphone4G knowing that if only we had one of those then
we’d really be someone worth knowing.
‘You’re beautiful’
Those who are not just after our money try to reassure us by
telling us that we are ‘amazing’ or that deep down we are ’good people. If you
are a girl you may well get told that that you are ‘beautiful and those haters
are just ignorant’, which is really nice, but sadly, not always true. You see,
the thing is, if my self-worth is build on the fact that I am really nice
looking and a very good person, what happens on the day when I’m ...not? It
only takes a bad haircut or an unfortunate scar to undermine that illusion. And
if we’re really honest we know that underneath the ‘nice’ exterior we can all
find our own store of selfishness, meanness, pride, greed, lust....oh dear!
‘You’re sinful. I
love you’
But the bible has a solution to our self esteem issues. God doesn’t
lie to us and tell us that we’re all lovely and not to worry about it. He tells
us the truth – ‘You’re sinful’. But he also tells us the most amazing thing – ‘I
love you anyway’. This is such fantastic news! God doesn’t love us because we
are beautiful or good. He just loves us! There’s a children’s song which sounds
a bit twee but is actually full of great theology. It starts, “I’m special
because God has loved me...” That’s the point. God doesn’t love us because we’re special. Phew! Because I
may not be feeling or acting that special today! No, I’m special because God
has loved me.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we
were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
See a video about one guy’s take on the struggle for perfection and God’s
grace here:
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