Saturday, 22 February 2014

Reaching for the Stars!

The youth video project in now well underway...although it's changed a bit since we announced it just a few weeks ago. The stars who appear on screen in 'SpaceQuest - the miniseries' are not, now, the ruggedly handsome/enchantingly beautiful teenagers of our parish but some rather surprised looking puppets made of garden wire and polystyrene! Meet the crew of the starship Destiny:
Captain Troy Adamson and the rest of the crew will be voiced by the aforementioned lovely teens who, in the meantime have been hard at work creating sets that resemble the inside of spaceships. We've begun experimenting with 'green screen' effects to see if we can get our spaceships to zoom off into outer space. But mostly we've been spending hours stopping the miniature crew from falling over and going cross-eyed!

Hopefully by the time the children assemble for the first of our Holiday clubs at Easter at Emmanuel church the videos will be all filmed, voiced and edited with all special effects in place. Any young people who would like to come and help with the remaining filming are welcome. Please contact Catharine for times and dates.
Repositioning the captain
Preparing the spaceships for the greenscreen

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